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Part Y: Youth in Asia

Conversation between me and my mother when I was about 12 - the way I perceived it.

Mum: So what do you think about Youth in Asia?
Me: I think it's really sad.
Mum: But don't you think it would be kind to put someone out of their misery?
Me: How would you put them out of their misery? That's life, isn't it?
Mum: Well, they'd use a lethal injection, so they would go to sleep.
Me: What? Why?
Mum: So they don't have to suffer anymore.
Me: But mum! Just because they are getting paid shitty wages doesn't mean they don't want to live!
Mum: What?
Me: Well, I know their hard off and everything, but don't you think they deserve to have a choice?
Mum: What exactly are you talking about?
Me: The Youth in Asia, like you said.
Mum: [laughs] No! Euthanasia. It means to choose if you want to die if you are really ill and don't want to live anymore.
Me: Orh! Well, yeah. I say stick 'em with that needle if they want it. Who am I to choose for them?

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