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We're having the damnest weather! 

Due to some horrendous storms (temps in the 70's and severe thunderstorms and flooding in January?), we've lost internet three times. I'm beating a judicious retreat rather than fight to get up the planned blog for tomorrow.

We've got rivers instead of roads and lakes instead of hay fields and an icy cold front moving in behind it all this. Temps were 72 at 2:00 this afternoon but it's 55 degrees right now(8:30 pm) and supposed to drop to 38 degrees before morning. More rain turning to sleet and snow to follow, or so they say. Aren't we so special? Can you imagine what the roads will be like when they freeze? Ugh.

Although I got all the animals fed and winterized I wasn't expect quite so much rain, strong winds, lightning and thunder. I have a dog who likes to dig to China on a regular basis because he likes to sleep in holes--I kid you not. With more rain and standing water than we expected, Hubs and I were out in the downpour trenching his dog pen so the dog house wouldn't flood. Silly dog. He's a chow/retriever mix.  

I'll have a new blog post for Friday. 

Have a great Wednesday!

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