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Let’s talk...

Yorkshire puddings.

When did they become a part of every roast dinner?
Back in the day, Sunday lunch was roast beef and only beef accompanied with Yorkshire pudding. Not as is the current trend, chicken,lamb or pork and Yorkshire pudding.

To eke out the meat the Yorkshire puddings would be served first with the unctuous beef gravy.  This way tummys were full of batter leaving scant room for the beef.  The vegetables would be boiled for 20 minutes, the 
goodness in the water poured down the sink. Potatoes roasted in beef dripping. Surprisingly we thrived and stayed trim, due in no small part to the simplicity of the ingredients.

Having a Yorkshire grandfather I learnt the finer points of a high rise pud from my mum.

The secret: plain flour, two eggs, milk and a goodly splash of water,  the consistency should be that of pouring cream and fire alarm quivering smoking hot fat.
 Aunt Bessie eat your heart out!

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