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2048 Clash of clans dark barracks

2048 Clash of clans dark barracks

2048 Clash of clans dark barracks
Clash of Clans is a freemium mobile strategy gaming developed and released by Finnish game builder Supercell. The overall game premiered for iOS platforms on August 2, 2012, and on Yahoo Play for Android os on Oct 7, 2013.The game is defined in a illusion themed[3] persistent world[4] where in fact the player is a chief of a village. Clash of Clans jobs players to make their own town using the resources gained from attacking other players through the game's struggling features. The main resources are precious metal, elixir and dark elixir. Players can conjoin to produce clans, sets of up to fifty people who can then partake in Clan Wars jointly, donate and acquire troops, and talk to each other.Clash of Clans premiered to reviews that are positive, garnering high ratings from many critics.

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